Inštitut za biologijo celice, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani,
vabi na predavanje z naslovom
Correlative light electron microscopy: New approaches and new data
Predavala bosta
prof. dr. Alexander A. Mironov, dr. med. in dr. Galina V. Beznoussenko, dr. med.
iz Laboratorija za elektronsko mikroskopijo in Oddelka za znotrajcelični transport in
tumorogenezo na Inštitutu za molekularno onkologijo FIRC, Milano, Italija
(The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, Italy)
Predavanje bo v petek, 8. 12. 2023 ob 13 uri v predavalnici 1 na Inštitutu za biologijo celice, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana
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Povzetek predavanja
Microscopical studies in biology have relied on two complementary microscope technologies – light (fluorescence) microscopy and electron microscopy. Light microscopy is used to study phenomena at a global scale and to look for unique or rare events, and it also provides an opportunity for live imaging, while the forte of electron microscopy is the high resolution. Observation of living cells under EM is still impossible. Traditionally light and electron microscopy (EM) observations are carried out in different populations of cells/tissues. The advent of true correlative light-electron microscopy has allowed high resolution imaging by EM of the same structure observed by light microscopy. Thus a rare event captured by low resolution imaging of a population or transient events captured by live imaging can now also be studied at high resolution by electron microscopy.
This presentation describes correlative light-electron microscopy with details and useful tricks, including the way to localize the same cell after its transfection with a protein fused with a fluorescent tag, examination under the microscope in living condition, fixation, immunolabelling, embedding, and observation under EM. We also illustrate here the kinds of questions that the CLEM approach was designed to address, as well as the particular know-how that is important for the successful application of this technique. The potential and difficulties of this approach, along with the most impressive breakthroughs obtained by these methods in our laboratory are presented and discussed.
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